Group Programs

Well-Balanced Minds runs a variety of group programs designed for various ages, stages and concerns.

At Well-Balanced Minds, we run small group programs to ensure each group member receives the maximum amount of one on one attention per session. In addition, we carefully selectively pair and match our group members to achieve a balanced group dynamic and facilitate the maximum benefit for each of our clients from all our group programs.

Please see below for a list of our Group Programs:

The Secret Agent Society

The Secret Agent Society: The Secret Agent Society (SAS) program is an internationally renowned, multi-component, evidence-based social skills intervention developed by Dr Renae Beaumont.

The SAS program includes:
– an animated, multi-level computer game that teaches children skills in emotion recognition, emotion regulation and social competence.
– Nine weekly small group sessions that teach children how to apply computer game content to everyday contexts. Three-month and six-month follow up sessions assist with skills maintenance.
– Parent training sessions to educate parents on how to support children in using their SAS social skills.

How could this benefit my child?
– Understand that emotions exist on a continuum (rather than being an “all or nothing” phenomenon)
– Identify emotions from physical body cues
– Identify simple & complex emotions (eg. embarrassment, confusion, teasing/sarcasm, boredom) in others from the face, body, voice and situational clues
– Cope with uncomfortable feelings eg. unfairness, anxiety and anger
– Understand what it means to be a good friend
– Communicate appropriately and effectively
– Cope with changes in routine, making mistakes and uncertainty
– Solve social problems
– Distinguish accidents and friendly jokes from intentionally mean actions
– Manage bullying and teasing

Minecraft Social Adventures

What is Minecraft Social Adventures
The Minecraft Social Adventures is an online social skills group that is conducted on the ZOOM and Minecraft platforms. It involves attending six meetings including a parent information session and five online Minecraft sessions.

How could this benefit my child?
Understanding point of view
-Understanding if behaviour was by accident or done on purpose
-Asking for and accepting help
-Understanding how our behaviours impact others.
-Build friendship and social skills.
-Build problem-solving skills.
-Build communication skills. 
-Build conflict resolution skills.
-Build cognitive flexibility.
-Reduce social isolation.

Is this program suitable for my child?
This program was designed for 8 to 12-year-olds looking to develop social communication and friendship skills.

Parts of Program:

  • Minecraft Social Adventures – The Adventure Begins
  • Minecraft Social Adventures – Level Up
    -Understanding point of view
    -Understanding if behaviour was by accident or done on purpose
    -Asking for and accepting help
    -Understanding how our behaviours impact others
  • Minecraft Social Adventures – Enter the Dragon
    Having a Conversation
    -Being Assertive
    -Being Persistent
    -Managing Conflict
  • Minecraft Social Adventures – Building the Social Blocks
    -Showing interest in others
    -Using your social filter
    -Following the Rules
  • Minecraft Social Adventures – Minecraft Masters
    -Tone of Voice
    -Size of the Problem
    -Being a Good Sport
    -Accepting Consequences

Each Part of the Program consists of:

– 1 x 1 hour Parent Group Introduction Meeting
-5 weekly sessions x 90-minutes (Minecraft Adventurer Meetings)

Please note, we enrol for each part individually and only one run part per term.

Role-Play Social Adventures

What is Role-Play Social Adventures?

Role-Play Social Adventures is a client-led social skills group facilitated through a guided role-play tabletop game. It involves attending six meetings, including a parent information session and five group sessions. To enrol in this group, a consent form must be signed providing permission to join in the online role-playing action. 

-Build friendship and social skills.
-Build problem-solving skills.
-Build communication skills. 
-Build conflict resolution skills.
-Build cognitive flexibility.
-Build confidence.
-Reduce social isolation.

Is this program suitable for your child?

This program was designed for 12 to 16-year-olds looking to develop social communication and friendship skills. At Well-Balanced Minds, should a child be ready for the program but is younger than 12 years parts of the program are modified where necessary to facilitate maximum benefit.

Lastly, families who are unable to attend more than two sessions throughout the five-week duration of the program are not suitable for enrolment. However, we understand that unanticipated events, such as illnesses, do occur.

What is the delivery method?
– 1 x 1 hour Parent Group Introduction Zoom Meeting
– 5 sessions x 90-minutes 

The Boys Club

Boys Club: The Boys Club program is an advanced social skills group for boys aged 9 to 11 years. The club has a free play format where each participant is given the opportunity to plan and lead the session with support and guidance. The Boys Club is designed to build skills in leadership, cooperation, conflict resolution, problem-solving, resilience, compromise, social-communication and friendship skills. 

The Boys Club Program Includes:
– Five fortnightly small group sessions
– Time reserved each session for parent feedback and training.

How could this benefit my child?
· Improve social skills and peer friendships.
· Develop skills in cooperation and maturity.
· Develop self-awareness, self-esteem, and confidence through learning skills in leadership.
· Develop skills in self-control, self-discipline, decision making and positive actions.
· Teaching empathy, independence, responsibility and respect for others.
· Develop group skills in active participation, organisation and leadership.

The Gutsy Girls Group Programs

The Gutsy Girls Group Programs: Well-Balanced Minds offers three variations of the Gutsy Girls Group Program depending on the age and stage of your child. The Gutsy Girls Group programs are play-based programs utilising incidental coaching to teach social skills, emotional regulation & resilience skills to girls in a fun and supportive environment.

Well-Balanced Minds is currently offering the following Gutsy Girls Programs:

Little Gutsy Girls Group program: For girls aged 5 to 7 years.
Gutsy Girls Group Program: For girls aged 7 to 9 years.
Gutsy Girls Club: For girls aged 10 – 12 years.

The Gutsy Girls Group programs include:
– Five fortnightly small group sessions
– Time reserved each session for parent feedback and training.

How could this benefit my child?
The Gutsy Girls Group programs facilitate understanding and development of interpersonal skills, cognitive skills and behavioural skills with a focus on the following topic areas:

-Getting along with and including others
-Being assertive and bouncing back from disappointment.
-Defining and developing self-esteem.
-Developing mindfulness of thoughts, feelings and reactions
-Developing mindfulness of thoughts, feelings and reactions
-Conflict resolutions and repairing relationships.

Please contact our Principal Psychologist, Rachele at for more information about our group programs.